Starting point: Selection of ratings
The basis for the selection of ratings is the internationally accepted list by Anne-Wil Harzing. It contains 10 journal ratings related to business administration and 956 journals, as of 11/2022.
Focus on core areas of business administration
From this gross list, those journals were initially selected which, according to the Harzing list, belong to the areas Entrepreneurship, Finance & Accounting, General & Strategy, International Business, Innovation, Marketing, Management Information Systems, Knowledge Management, Organization Behavior/Studies, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Operations Research, Management Science, Production & Operations Management, Public Sector Management. The aim of the step was to obtain a positive list of internationally indisputably recognized business management journals. The list now contains 588 journals.
Extension by journals that are considered important by the VHB
Subsequently, the list was extended by those journals that belong to the categories A+ to C in JOURQUAL 3.0. This was to ensure that no journal from the core area of business administration was omitted (beta error). JOURQUAL 3.0 provides a unique opportunity for this, because during its compilation more than 1,100 scholars were specifically asked for the journals relevant to their subject. All journals with more than 25 mentions were considered in JOURQUAL 3.0. For the meta-rating, only the categories A+ to C were considered, since it can be assumed that journals below this quality level would not have been included in the final meta-rating with 350 journals anyway (see below). In this way, 241 journals were added. The set union of the existing list and JOURQUAL 3.0 (A+ to C) consists of 829 journals.
Elimination and addition of ratings
The four ratings JOURQUAL 3.0, HCERES, FNEGE and Scopus were removed from the list. Reasons were redundancy in HCERES and FNEGE (with CNRS, also from France), problems of comparability across disciplines in Scopus, and lack of timeliness in JOURQUAL 3.0. Due to their high importance in various disciplines of business administration, the ratings Scimago and UT Dallas were added. The list now contains 8 ratings.
Selection of frequently rated journals
The next step was to select journals that were included in at least 4 of the 8 ratings. The reason was again that the meta rating should be limited to the core of the most important business management journals. The assumption was that the non-inclusion of a journal in a rating is information to be considered: The journal could be “on the fringe” of business administration, i.e., it might not have gained broad recognition as a business administration journal, or it might not be significant enough from the perspective of the rating institutions to be included. The set of journals that are represented in all (i.e., 8 out of 8) ratings is indicative of the sense of this measure: Of the 22 journals, 18 have an A+ rating in JOURQUAL 3.0, and the remaining 4 have an A rating. Apparently, there is a close correlation between perceived quality (also in German-speaking countries) and the number of considerations in international ratings, at least at the top. As a final list, this results in a set of 527 journals.
Tournaments for rating the journals
The rating of the journals follows a simple logic. Each of the 8 ratings is considered a tournament. The central idea in each tournament is to compare a journal X with all other journals in the same rating and to award points if journal X is ranked better than or equal to another journal Y. So, we use only ordinal information. If Journal X is positioned better than Journal Y, Journal X receives two points. If both journals are listed in the same category, Journal X receives one point. If Journal X is positioned worse than Journal Y, Journal X receives no point. Journal X is compared to all other journals in the rating, and its points are summed up. This procedure accounts for the fact that the ratings vary in “rigor,” i.e., that their categories contain different numbers of journals. For example, if the top category in a rating includes only 10 journals out of a total of 527 journals, then the journals included in that category will receive more points (9 points for “ties” + 1034 points for “wins” = 1043 points) than if the top category includes 30 journals (29 points for “ties” + 994 points for “wins” = 1023 points).
Note that the ratings include widely varying numbers of journals – from a maximum of 525 in the Danish Ministry ranking to only 24 journals in the UT Dallas rating. If the ratings were used in pure form, journals might score differently, and the point totals would not be comparable across tournaments. We therefore “fill up” all ratings so that the tournaments have the same number of participants. We assume that not including a journal in a rating is a quality statement (within certain limits). The missing journals will therefore be added to a new “lowest” category, against which all other journals in the tournament will win. In order not to make this “punishment” of missing journals too extreme, in the later aggregation over the tournaments, only those tournaments were considered in which a journal actually participated (see next section on aggregation).
Aggregation and categorization
In the next step, the average of the achieved score over all tournaments was calculated for all 527 journals. This results in an overall list with the total score of each journal (points from all tournaments added / number of ratings in which the journal was included = average points).
ISSN | Journal | Subject area | FT 2016 | ABDC 2019 | Cnrs 2020 | EJL 2020 | ABS 2021 | Den 2021 | Scimago SJR | UT Dallas | Durchschnitt Punkte |
0001-3072 | Abacus | F&A | 567 | 549 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 287 | 635.83333333333 | ||
1941-6520 | Academy of Management Annals | Gen & Strat | 939 | 806 | 1016 | 804 | 1044 | 921.8 | |||
0001-4273 | Academy of Management Journal | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1038 | 1030 | 977.375 |
1537-260X | Academy of Management Learning and Education | Education | 939 | 806 | 1016 | 804 | 724 | 857.8 | |||
1558-9080 | Academy of Management Perspectives | Gen & Strat | 567 | 728 | 927 | 804 | 970 | 799.2 | |||
0363-7425 | Academy of Management Review | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1032 | 1030 | 985.25 |
0001-4788 | Accounting and Business Research | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 362 | 530.16666666667 | ||
0810-5391 | Accounting and Finance | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 254 | 450.66666666667 | ||
0963-9284 | Accounting Education | Education | 567 | 324 | 282 | 300 | 368.25 | ||||
0155-9982 | Accounting Forum | F&A | 190 | 333 | 693 | 282 | 346 | 368.8 | |||
0148-4184 | Accounting Historians Journal | F&A | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 22 | 273.4 | |||
1032-3732 | Accounting History | F&A | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 78 | 360 | |||
2155-2851 | Accounting History Review | Bus Hist | 190 | 806 | 324 | 282 | 32 | 326.8 | |||
0888-7993 | Accounting Horizons | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 624 | 660.83333333333 | ||
1744-9480 | Accounting in Europe | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 167 | 335 | ||||
1030-9616 | Accounting Research Journal | F&A | 190 | 324 | 282 | 118 | 228.5 | ||||
0951-3574 | Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal | F&A | 939 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 628 | 679.33333333333 | ||
0361-3682 | Accounting, Organizations and Society | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 811 | 937.42857142857 | |
1073-0516 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | MIS, KM | 939 | 333 | 804 | 335 | 602.75 | ||||
1046-8188 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | MIS, KM | 42 | 728 | 804 | 662 | 559 | ||||
1049-3301 | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | MIS, KM | 190 | 693 | 282 | 98 | 315.75 | ||||
0095-3997 | Administration and Society | PSM | 190 | 806 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 534 | 564.33333333333 | ||
0001-8392 | Administrative Science Quarterly | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1048 | 1030 | 987.25 |
0882-6110 | Advances in Accounting | F&A | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 72 | 315.6 | |||
1475-1488 | Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 20 | 298.25 | ||||
0742-3322 | Advances in Strategic Management | Gen & Strat | 42 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 299.25 | ||||
0002-7642 | American Behavioral Scientist | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 549 | 77 | 282 | 350 | 289.6 | |||
0002-8282 | American Economic Review | Economics | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1016 | 1050 | 1052 | 1017.5 | ||
0275-0740 | American Review of Public Administration | PSM | 190 | 693 | 804 | 672 | 589.75 | ||||
1748-4995 | Annals of Actuarial Science | F&A | 939 | 77 | 282 | 190 | 372 | ||||
0254-5330 | Annals of Operations Research | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 526 | 600.33333333333 | ||
0090-5364 | Annals of Statistics | OR,MS,POM | 939 | 1016 | 804 | 1012 | 942.75 | ||||
0960-3107 | Applied Financial Economics | Economics | 190 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 371.4 | |||
1350-486X | Applied Mathematical Finance | F&A | 190 | 324 | 282 | 184 | 245 | ||||
0269-994X | Applied Psychology | Psychology | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 664 | 580.5 | ||
1360-2381 | Asia Pacific Business Review | IB | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 157 | 300.4 | |||
1038-4111 | Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 410 | 307.8 | |||
0217-4561 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | IB | 567 | 333 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 591 | 619.33333333333 | ||
1355-5855 | Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics | Marketing | 567 | 77 | 282 | 322 | 312 | ||||
1608-1625 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics | F&A | 190 | 324 | 282 | 38 | 208.5 | ||||
0515-0361 | Astin Bulletin | F&A | 567 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 556 | 560 | |||
0278-0380 | Auditing | F&A | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 732 | 814.83333333333 | ||
1441-3582 | Australasian Marketing Journal | Marketing | 567 | 77 | 282 | 483 | 352.25 | ||||
1035-6908 | Australian Accounting Review | F&A | 190 | 324 | 282 | 162 | 239.5 | ||||
0312-8962 | Australian Journal of Management | Gen & Strat | 567 | 324 | 282 | 318 | 372.75 | ||||
0313-6647 | Australian Journal of Public Administration | PSM | 567 | 324 | 282 | 220 | 348.25 | ||||
1050-4753 | Behavioral Research in Accounting | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 564 | 650.83333333333 | ||
0144-929X | Behaviour and Information Technology | MIS, KM | 567 | 324 | 804 | 278 | 493.25 | ||||
1463-5771 | Benchmarking | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 77 | 282 | 398 | 236.75 | ||||
0006-3444 | Biometrika | OR,MS,POM | 939 | 927 | 804 | 926 | 899 | ||||
0890-8389 | British Accounting Review | F&A | 939 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 594 | 630.83333333333 | ||
0007-1080 | British Journal of Industrial Relations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 669 | 843.33333333333 | ||
1045-3172 | British Journal of Management | Gen & Strat | 567 | 806 | 728 | 927 | 804 | 784 | 769.33333333333 | ||
0007-6503 | Business and Society | Gen & Strat | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 878 | 746 | ||
0962-8770 | Business Ethics | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 415 | 378.66666666667 | ||
1052-150X | Business Ethics Quarterly | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 806 | 927 | 282 | 654 | 647.2 | |||
0007-6813 | Business Horizons | Gen & Strat | 190 | 324 | 282 | 838 | 408.5 | ||||
1463-7154 | Business Process Management Journal | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 355 | 340 | |||
0964-4733 | Business Strategy and the Environment | Gen & Strat | 567 | 333 | 693 | 282 | 820 | 539 | |||
0008-1256 | California Management Review | Gen & Strat | 567 | 806 | 598 | 693 | 804 | 948 | 736 | ||
1362-0436 | Career Development International | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 324 | 282 | 424 | 305 | ||||
0001-0782 | Communications of the ACM | MIS, KM | 567 | 915 | 324 | 804 | 658 | 653.6 | |||
1529-3181 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | MIS, KM | 567 | 333 | 324 | 804 | 274 | 460.4 | |||
0360-8352 | Computers and Industrial Engineering | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 730 | 530 | ||
0305-0548 | Computers and Operations Research | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 282 | 752 | 669.16666666667 | ||
0747-5632 | Computers in Human Behavior | MIS, KM | 567 | 324 | 282 | 802 | 493.75 | ||||
0823-9150 | Contemporary Accounting Research | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 806 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 914 | 915.57142857143 | |
0964-8410 | Corporate Governance: An International Review | IB | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 530 | 558.16666666667 | ||
1363-3589 | Corporate Reputation Review | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 42 | 728 | 77 | 282 | 113 | 248.4 | |||
0963-1690 | Creativity and Innovation Management | Innovation | 42 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 394 | 422.6 | |||
2164-5744 | Critical Finance Review | F&A | 939 | 77 | 282 | 800 | 524.5 | ||||
1045-2354 | Critical Perspectives on Accounting | F&A | 567 | 806 | 693 | 282 | 610 | 591.6 | |||
1742-2043 | Critical Perspectives on International Business | IB | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 101 | 246 | |||
1352-7606 | Cross Cultural and Strategic Management | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 252 | 319.4 | |||
0011-7315 | Decision Sciences | OR,MS,POM | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 700 | 809.5 | ||
0167-9236 | Decision Support Systems | MIS, KM | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 762 | 819.83333333333 | ||
0921-8009 | Ecological Economics | Economics | 567 | 973 | 693 | 282 | 734 | 649.8 | |||
0012-9682 | Econometrica | Economics | 939 | 1042 | 1016 | 1050 | 1042 | 1017.8 | |||
0891-2424 | Economic Development Quarterly | PSM | 190 | 806 | 282 | 150 | 357 | ||||
0165-1765 | Economics Letters | Economics | 567 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 265 | 471.2 | |||
1043-8599 | Economics of Innovation and New Technology | Entrep | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 326 | 334.2 | |||
1389-5753 | Electronic Commerce Research | MIS, KM | 567 | 324 | 282 | 262 | 358.75 | ||||
1567-4223 | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | MIS, KM | 42 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 608 | 473.16666666667 | ||
1019-6781 | Electronic Markets | MIS, KM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 468 | 438 | |||
1566-0141 | Emerging Markets Review | F&A | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 642 | 472.8 | |||
0142-5455 | Employee Relations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 242 | 274.2 | |||
0140-9883 | Energy Economics | Economics | 939 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 864 | 821.2 | |||
0301-4215 | Energy Policy | Economics | 567 | 806 | 324 | 804 | 798 | 659.8 | |||
0898-5626 | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | Entrep | 567 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 726 | 703.6 | |||
1042-2587 | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | Entrep | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 932 | 928 | |
0308-518X | Environment and Planning A | PSM | 939 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 698 | 788 | |||
0263-7758 | Environment and Planning D: Society and Space | PSM | 567 | 927 | 804 | 870 | 792 | ||||
0963-8180 | European Accounting Review | F&A | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 505 | 777 | ||
0955-534X | European Business Review | Gen & Strat | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 842 | 437.4 | |||
1354-7798 | European Financial Management | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 572 | 565.16666666667 | ||
1351-847X | European Journal of Finance | F&A | 567 | 333 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 194 | 466.16666666667 | ||
1618-7598 | European Journal of Health Economics | Economics | 567 | 806 | 324 | 282 | 374 | 470.6 | |||
0959-6801 | European Journal of Industrial Relations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 644 | 664.16666666667 | ||
0960-085X | European Journal of Information Systems | MIS, KM | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 808 | 894.33333333333 | ||
1460-1060 | European Journal of Innovation Management | Innovation | 42 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 462 | 239.2 | |||
1751-6757 | European Journal of International Management | IB | 333 | 324 | 282 | 164 | 275.75 | ||||
0309-0566 | European Journal of Marketing | Marketing | 939 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 638 | 725.16666666667 | ||
0377-2217 | European Journal of Operational Research | OR,MS,POM | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 282 | 834 | 811.66666666667 | ||
1359-432X | European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 333 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 690 | 548.83333333333 | ||
0263-2373 | European Management Journal | Gen & Strat | 190 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 634 | 451.16666666667 | ||
1740-4754 | European Management Review | Gen & Strat | 42 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 376 | 445 | ||
0966-8136 | Europe-Asia Studies | IB | 42 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 154 | 374.6 | |||
1356-3890 | Evaluation | PSM | 190 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 558 | 485 | |||
1386-4157 | Experimental Economics | Economics | 939 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 806 | 843 | |||
0957-4174 | Expert Systems with Applications | MIS, KM | 42 | 549 | 77 | 804 | 792 | 452.8 | |||
0894-4865 | Family Business Review | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 856 | 655.33333333333 | ||
0752-6180 | Finance | F&A | 42 | 806 | 77 | 30 | 238.75 | ||||
0949-2984 | Finance and Stochastics | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 706 | 674.5 | ||
1544-6123 | Finance Research Letters | F&A | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 776 | 499.6 | |||
0267-4424 | Financial Accountability and Management | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 292 | 605.5 | ||
0015-198X | Financial Analysts Journal | F&A | 567 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 685 | 695.4 | |||
0046-3892 | Financial Management | F&A | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 804 | 764.83333333333 | ||
1934-4554 | Financial Markets and Portfolio Management | F&A | 190 | 324 | 282 | 56 | 213 | ||||
0963-8008 | Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments | F&A | 190 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 314 | 405.6 | |||
0732-8516 | Financial Review | F&A | 567 | 333 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 272 | 479.16666666667 | ||
0015-2218 | FinanzArchiv | Economics | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 34 | 183.2 | |||
0143-5671 | Fiscal Studies | F&A | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 576 | 384.2 | |||
1936-6582 | Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal | OR,MS,POM | 42 | 549 | 77 | 282 | 460 | 282 | |||
0016-3287 | Futures | Innovation | 190 | 324 | 282 | 434 | 307.5 | ||||
0891-2432 | Gender and Society | PSM | 939 | 693 | 804 | 632 | 767 | ||||
1754-2413 | Gender in management | Gen & Strat | 42 | 77 | 282 | 310 | 177.75 | ||||
0968-6673 | Gender, Work and Organization | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 693 | 804 | 582 | 639 | |||
1018-5895 | Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice | Economics | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 92 | 287.4 | |||
1554-964X | Geneva Risk and Insurance Review | F&A | 806 | 324 | 282 | 146 | 389.5 | ||||
1465-6485 | German Economic Review | Economics | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 214 | 311.8 | |||
1044-0283 | Global Finance Journal | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 220 | 348.25 | ||||
2042-5791 | Global Strategy Journal | Gen & Strat | 567 | 549 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 906 | 778 | ||
0952-1895 | Governance | PSM | 549 | 927 | 804 | 652 | 733 | ||||
1059-6011 | Group and Organization Management | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 648 | 664.83333333333 | ||
0926-2644 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Gen & Strat | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 178 | 438 | ||
1089-2699 | Group Dynamics | Gen & Strat | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 186 | 306.2 | |||
0017-8012 | Harvard Business Review | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 567 | 598 | 693 | 282 | 445 | 598.5 | ||
1386-9620 | Health Care Management Science | MIS, KM | 190 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 364 | 370.16666666667 | ||
1057-9230 | Health Economics (United Kingdom) | Economics | 939 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 494 | 780.6 | |||
0168-8510 | Health Policy | Economics | 567 | 806 | 324 | 804 | 490 | 598.2 | |||
0951-4848 | Health Services Management Research | PSM | 42 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 61 | 159 | |||
0951-5224 | Higher Education Quarterly | PSM | 42 | 324 | 282 | 344 | 248 | ||||
0895-9285 | Human Performance | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 693 | 282 | 387 | 482.25 | ||||
0018-7267 | Human Relations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 1006 | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 910 | 901 | |
1044-8004 | Human Resource Development Quarterly | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 324 | 282 | 466 | 315.5 | ||||
0090-4848 | Human Resource Management | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 1006 | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 874 | 895.85714285714 | |
0954-5395 | Human Resource Management Journal | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 728 | 1016 | 804 | 858 | 753.66666666667 | ||
1053-4822 | Human Resource Management Review | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 902 | 738.33333333333 | ||
0737-0024 | Human-Computer Interaction | MIS, KM | 567 | 77 | 804 | 268 | 429 | ||||
0018-9391 | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 915 | 693 | 282 | 384 | 565 | ||
1524-9050 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 728 | 804 | 796 | 723.75 | ||||
0740-817X | IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) | MIS, KM | 567 | 915 | 693 | 282 | 614.25 | ||||
0019-7939 | ILR Review | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 846 | 817.6 | |||
0960-6491 | Industrial and Corporate Change | Economics | 567 | 973 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 714 | 777.66666666667 | ||
0263-5577 | Industrial Management and Data Systems | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 454 | 435.2 | |||
0019-8501 | Industrial Marketing Management | Marketing | 939 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 814 | 797.33333333333 | ||
0019-8676 | Industrial Relations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 620 | 863 | ||
0019-8692 | Industrial Relations Journal | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 693 | 282 | 212 | 438.5 | ||||
1366-2716 | Industry and Innovation | Innovation | 190 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 470 | 572.33333333333 | ||
0378-7206 | Information and Management | MIS, KM | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 866 | 837.16666666667 | ||
1471-7727 | Information and Organization | F&A | 939 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 946 | 837.6 | |||
0306-4573 | Information Processing and Management | MIS, KM | 190 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 749 | 559 | |||
1040-1628 | Information Resources Management Journal | MIS, KM | 42 | 77 | 282 | 82 | 120.75 | ||||
0197-2243 | Information Society | MIS, KM | 567 | 693 | 804 | 448 | 628 | ||||
1387-3326 | Information Systems Frontiers | MIS, KM | 567 | 693 | 282 | 622 | 541 | ||||
1350-1917 | Information Systems Journal | MIS, KM | 939 | 806 | 728 | 927 | 804 | 898 | 850.33333333333 | ||
1058-0530 | Information Systems Management | MIS, KM | 190 | 324 | 804 | 328 | 411.5 | ||||
1047-7047 | Information Systems Research | MIS, KM | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 954 | 1030 | 966.875 |
1385-951X | Information Technology and Management | MIS, KM | 190 | 77 | 282 | 110 | 164.75 | ||||
0959-3845 | Information Technology and People | MIS, KM | 567 | 549 | 693 | 804 | 488 | 620.2 | |||
0167-6687 | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics | MIS, KM | 939 | 549 | 693 | 804 | 486 | 694.2 | |||
0092-2102 | Interfaces | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 915 | 324 | 282 | 248 | 391.8 | |||
0969-5931 | International Business Review | IB | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 702 | 716.66666666667 | ||
0020-7063 | International Journal of Accounting | F&A | 567 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 94 | 437 | |||
1467-0895 | International Journal of Accounting Information Systems | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 650 | 455.75 | ||||
0265-0487 | International Journal of Advertising | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 716 | 592 | |||
1090-6738 | International Journal of Auditing | F&A | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 167 | 377.8 | |||
0265-2323 | International Journal of Bank Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 391 | 330 | |||
0951-192X | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | MIS, KM | 190 | 324 | 282 | 499 | 323.75 | ||||
1044-4068 | International Journal of Conflict Management | Gen & Strat | 567 | 324 | 282 | 174 | 336.75 | ||||
1470-5958 | International Journal of Cross Cultural Management | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 48 | 186 | |||
1086-4415 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | MIS, KM | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 282 | 708 | 661.83333333333 | ||
1355-2554 | International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research | Entrep | 190 | 333 | 693 | 282 | 550 | 409.6 | |||
1465-7503 | International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Entrep | 333 | 324 | 282 | 226 | 291.25 | ||||
1076-9307 | International Journal of Finance and Economics | F&A | 190 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 107 | 364.2 | |||
0169-2070 | International Journal of Forecasting | Economics | 567 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 770 | 728 | |||
1071-5819 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 496 | 515.16666666667 | ||
0958-5192 | International Journal of Human Resource Management | OS/OB, HRM/IR, | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 656 | 666.16666666667 | ||
0167-7187 | International Journal of Industrial Organization | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 973 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 580 | 755.33333333333 | ||
0268-4012 | International Journal of Information Management | MIS, KM | 939 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 980 | 720.66666666667 | ||
1363-9196 | International Journal of Innovation Management | Innovation | 333 | 324 | 282 | 136 | 268.75 | ||||
0147-1767 | International Journal of Intercultural Relations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 77 | 282 | 342 | 317 | ||||
0957-4093 | International Journal of Logistics Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 77 | 282 | 646 | 424.2 | |||
1367-5567 | International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 77 | 282 | 480 | 315.6 | |||
1460-8545 | International Journal of Management Reviews | Gen & Strat | 567 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 956 | 765.2 | |||
1743-9132 | International Journal of Managerial Finance | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 104 | 319.25 | ||||
0143-7720 | International Journal of Manpower | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 172 | 378.8 | |||
1470-7853 | International Journal of Market Research | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 188 | 338.8 | |||
0144-3577 | International Journal of Operations and Production Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 826 | 807.5 | ||
0960-0035 | International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Manage | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 541.4 | |||
0925-5273 | International Journal of Production Economics | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 973 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 894 | 776.5 | ||
0020-7543 | International Journal of Production Research | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 888 | 660.66666666667 | ||
0263-7863 | International Journal of Project Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 324 | 804 | 854 | 671 | |||
0190-0692 | International Journal of Public Administration | PSM | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 198 | 308.6 | |||
0954-2892 | International Journal of Public Opinion Research | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 804 | 452 | 593 | ||||
0951-3558 | International Journal of Public Sector Management | PSM | 190 | 549 | 77 | 282 | 176 | 254.8 | |||
0265-671X | International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 201 | 309.2 | |||
0167-8116 | International Journal of Research in Marketing | Marketing | 939 | 806 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 862 | 891.83333333333 | ||
0959-0552 | International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 430 | 430.4 | |||
0965-075X | International Journal of Selection and Assessment | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 332 | 446.6 | |||
0267-5730 | International Journal of Technology Management | Innovation | 190 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 76 | 388.6 | |||
1357-1516 | International Journal of the Economics of Business | Economics | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 129 | 294.8 | |||
0219-0249 | International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance | F&A | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 74 | 283.8 | |||
1360-3736 | International Journal of Training and Development | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 42 | 324 | 282 | 170 | 204.5 | ||||
0020-7780 | International Labour Review | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 258 | 320.6 | |||
0265-1335 | International Marketing Review | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 598 | 569.5 | ||
1382-340X | International Negotiation | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 77 | 282 | 64 | 247.5 | ||||
0020-8523 | International Review of Administrative Sciences | PSM | 42 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 260 | 365.2 | |||
1057-5219 | International Review of Financial Analysis | F&A | 567 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 746 | 567.4 | |||
0144-8188 | International Review of Law and Economics | Economics | 190 | 973 | 324 | 804 | 101 | 478.4 | |||
1229-4659 | International Review of Public Administration | PSM | 190 | 333 | 77 | 804 | 44 | 289.6 | |||
0266-2426 | International Small Business Journal | Entrep | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 742 | 723.33333333333 | ||
0020-8825 | International Studies of Management and Organization | IB | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 139 | 253.6 | |||
0927-5940 | International Tax and Public Finance | PSM | 190 | 806 | 324 | 282 | 224 | 365.2 | |||
0969-6016 | International Transactions in Operational Research | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 77 | 282 | 505 | 320.6 | |||
1066-2243 | Internet Research | MIS, KM | 567 | 693 | 804 | 678 | 685.5 | ||||
0739-3172 | Issues in Accounting Education | Education | 567 | 324 | 282 | 144 | 329.25 | ||||
0165-4101 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1028 | 1030 | 984.75 |
0278-4254 | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | F&A | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 499 | 595.83333333333 | ||
0748-5751 | Journal of Accounting Education | Education | 190 | 324 | 282 | 320 | 279 | ||||
0737-4607 | Journal of Accounting Literature | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 584 | 567.16666666667 | ||
0021-8456 | Journal of Accounting Research | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1010 | 1030 | 973.875 |
0148-558X | Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 298 | 519.5 | ||
0091-3367 | Journal of Advertising | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 915 | 693 | 282 | 876 | 647 | ||
0021-8499 | Journal of Advertising Research | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 600 | 569.83333333333 | ||
1078-1196 | Journal of Applied Corporate Finance | F&A | 567 | 728 | 77 | 282 | 413.5 | ||||
0021-9010 | Journal of Applied Psychology | Psychology | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1014 | 966.42857142857 | |
1059-9231 | Journal of Asia-Pacific Business | IB | 42 | 77 | 282 | 68 | 117.25 | ||||
0378-4266 | Journal of Banking and Finance | F&A | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 630 | 797.83333333333 | ||
0894-3257 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | Psychology | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 458 | 546.16666666667 | ||
1542-7560 | Journal of Behavioral Finance | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 124 | 324.25 | ||||
1350-231X | Journal of Brand Management | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 426 | 443.33333333333 | ||
0885-8624 | Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 312 | 406.8 | |||
0889-3268 | Journal of Business and Psychology | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 924 | 603 | |||
0167-4544 | Journal of Business Ethics | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 1006 | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 852 | 806.14285714286 | |
0306-686X | Journal of Business Finance and Accounting | F&A | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 596 | 792.16666666667 | ||
0735-3766 | Journal of Business Logistics | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 768 | 640.66666666667 | ||
0148-2963 | Journal of Business Research | Marketing | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 828 | 737.66666666667 | ||
0275-6668 | Journal of Business Strategy | Gen & Strat | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 107 | 197.8 | |||
0883-9026 | Journal of Business Venturing | Entrep | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 1008 | 952.85714285714 | |
2352-6734 | Journal of Business Venturing Insights | Entrep | 567 | 324 | 282 | 710 | 470.75 | ||||
1051-712X | Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing | Marketing | 190 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 139 | 419.66666666667 | ||
1460-1559 | Journal of Computational Finance | F&A | 42 | 77 | 282 | 40 | 110.25 | ||||
0887-4417 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | MIS, KM | 567 | 324 | 282 | 335 | 377 | ||||
0022-0027 | Journal of Conflict Resolution | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 693 | 804 | 788 | 806 | ||||
0022-0078 | Journal of Consumer Affairs | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 220 | 445 | ||
1472-0817 | Journal of Consumer Behaviour | Marketing | 567 | 324 | 282 | 352 | 381.25 | ||||
0736-3761 | Journal of Consumer Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 245 | 300.8 | |||
1057-7408 | Journal of Consumer Psychology | Marketing | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 282 | 920 | 878.42857142857 | |
0093-5301 | Journal of Consumer Research | Marketing | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1020 | 1030 | 975.125 |
1815-5669 | Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 210 | 345.75 | ||||
0929-1199 | Journal of Corporate Finance | F&A | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 794 | 864.16666666667 | ||
1063-8016 | Journal of Database Management | MIS, KM | 567 | 77 | 804 | 201 | 412.25 | ||||
1074-1240 | Journal of Derivatives | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 61 | 418.5 | ||
2212-571X | Journal of Destination Marketing and Management | Marketing | 567 | 77 | 282 | 720 | 411.5 | ||||
1066-9868 | Journal of East-West Business | IB | 42 | 77 | 282 | 36 | 109.25 | ||||
0167-2681 | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | Economics | 939 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 502 | 745.33333333333 | ||
0165-1889 | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | Economics | 939 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 518 | 785.4 | |||
0167-4870 | Journal of Economic Psychology | Economics | 567 | 806 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 528 | 539.16666666667 | ||
0148-6195 | Journal of Economics and Business | Economics | 190 | 324 | 282 | 340 | 284 | ||||
1058-6407 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy | Economics | 567 | 973 | 915 | 324 | 804 | 682 | 710.83333333333 | ||
1938-9027 | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | MIS, KM | 190 | 77 | 282 | 372 | 230.25 | ||||
0927-5398 | Journal of Empirical Finance | F&A | 567 | 549 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 540 | 678 | ||
0923-4748 | Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M | Innovation | 190 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 474 | 424.5 | ||
1741-0398 | Journal of Enterprise Information Management | MIS, KM | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 432 | 387.6 | |||
0095-0696 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Economics | 939 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 936 | 869 | |||
0301-4797 | Journal of Environmental Management | Economics | 567 | 549 | 693 | 804 | 636 | 649.8 | |||
1350-1763 | Journal of European Public Policy | PSM | 567 | 693 | 804 | 836 | 725 | ||||
0022-1082 | Journal of Finance | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1046 | 1030 | 987 |
0022-1090 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 940 | 943.14285714286 | |
1479-8409 | Journal of Financial Econometrics | Economics | 939 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 680 | 645.16666666667 | ||
0304-405X | Journal of Financial Economics | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1036 | 1030 | 977.125 |
1042-9573 | Journal of Financial Intermediation | F&A | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 1000 | 898.5 | ||
1386-4181 | Journal of Financial Markets | F&A | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 694 | 808.5 | ||
0270-2592 | Journal of Financial Research | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 88 | 484.5 | ||
0920-8550 | Journal of Financial Services Research | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 284 | 604.16666666667 | ||
1572-3089 | Journal of Financial Stability | F&A | 567 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 685 | 555.2 | |||
1059-8596 | Journal of Fixed Income | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 80 | 421.66666666667 | ||
0277-6693 | Journal of Forecasting | Gen & Strat | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 208 | 386 | |||
0270-7314 | Journal of Futures Markets | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 445 | 544 | ||
0306-3070 | Journal of General Management | Gen & Strat | 190 | 77 | 282 | 86 | 158.75 | ||||
1062-7375 | Journal of Global Information Management | MIS, KM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 129 | 370.2 | |||
1097-198X | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | MIS, KM | 190 | 324 | 282 | 216 | 253 | ||||
0891-1762 | Journal of Global Marketing | Marketing | 190 | 77 | 282 | 250 | 199.75 | ||||
2049-8799 | Journal of Global Mobility | HRM/IR | 190 | 324 | 282 | 160 | 239 | ||||
0167-6296 | Journal of Health Economics | Economics | 939 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 782 | 838.2 | |||
1047-8310 | Journal of High Technology Management Research | Innovation | 42 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 276 | 251.4 | |||
0022-166X | Journal of Human Resources | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 868 | 855.4 | |||
0022-1821 | Journal of Industrial Economics | Economics | 567 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 412 | 689.8 | |||
0022-1856 | Journal of Industrial Relations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 324 | 282 | 566 | 434.75 | ||||
0888-7985 | Journal of Information Systems | F&A | 567 | 77 | 282 | 532 | 364.5 | ||||
0268-3962 | Journal of Information Technology | MIS, KM | 939 | 806 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 818 | 884.5 | ||
0932-4569 | Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics | Economics | 567 | 806 | 324 | 282 | 28 | 401.4 | |||
1094-9968 | Journal of Interactive Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 944 | 788.16666666667 | ||
1542-6297 | Journal of International Accounting Research | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 84 | 422.33333333333 | ||
1061-9518 | Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation | F&A | 190 | 693 | 282 | 280 | 361.25 | ||||
0047-2506 | Journal of International Business Studies | IB | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 974 | 1030 | 969.375 |
0954-1314 | Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting | F&A | 190 | 324 | 282 | 90 | 221.5 | ||||
1042-4431 | Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 588 | 567.83333333333 | ||
1075-4253 | Journal of International Management | IB | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 612 | 658.83333333333 | ||
1069-031X | Journal of International Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 772 | 728.33333333333 | ||
0261-5606 | Journal of International Money and Finance | F&A | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 586 | 728.5 | ||
1367-3270 | Journal of Knowledge Management | MIS, KM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 718 | 592.4 | |||
0734-306X | Journal of Labor Economics | Economics | 939 | 973 | 927 | 804 | 1006 | 929.8 | |||
0195-3613 | Journal of Labor Research | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 70 | 239.8 | |||
0022-2186 | Journal of Law and Economics | Economics | 939 | 973 | 693 | 282 | 666 | 710.6 | |||
8756-6222 | Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization | Economics | 567 | 973 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 508 | 712.16666666667 | ||
0276-1467 | Journal of Macromarketing | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 512 | 446.8 | |||
0149-2063 | Journal of Management | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1024 | 967.85714285714 | |
1049-2127 | Journal of Management Accounting Research | F&A | 939 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 304 | 521 | ||
1385-3457 | Journal of Management and Governance | Gen & Strat | 42 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 196 | 186 | |||
1833-3672 | Journal of Management and Organization | Gen & Strat | 190 | 324 | 282 | 234 | 257.5 | ||||
2191-4761 | Journal of Management Control | F&A | 567 | 324 | 282 | 256 | 357.25 | ||||
0262-1711 | Journal of Management Development | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 42 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 239 | 194.6 | |||
1052-5629 | Journal of Management Education | Education | 190 | 324 | 282 | 232 | 257 | ||||
0742-1222 | Journal of Management Information Systems | MIS, KM | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 972 | 933.71428571429 | |
1056-4926 | Journal of Management Inquiry | Gen & Strat | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 688 | 584.5 | ||
0022-2380 | Journal of Management Studies | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 982 | 949.14285714286 | |
0268-3946 | Journal of Managerial Psychology | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 333 | 693 | 282 | 552 | 410 | |||
0278-6125 | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 77 | 804 | 912 | 506.4 | |||
1741-038X | Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 754 | 327.2 | |||
0022-2429 | Journal of Marketing | Marketing | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1030 | 1030 | 985 |
1352-7266 | Journal of Marketing Communications | Marketing | 190 | 77 | 282 | 402 | 237.75 | ||||
0267-257X | Journal of Marketing Management | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 570 | 458.4 | |||
0022-2437 | Journal of Marketing Research | Marketing | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1004 | 1030 | 973.125 |
1069-6679 | Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice | Marketing | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 387 | 303.2 | |||
0022-2879 | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | F&A | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 282 | 738 | 795.66666666667 | ||
1057-9214 | Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 122 | 200.8 | |||
1042-444X | Journal of Multinational Financial Management | F&A | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 370 | 299.8 | |||
0047-259X | Journal of Multivariate Analysis | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 693 | 804 | 472 | 634 | ||||
1049-5142 | Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing | Marketing | 190 | 77 | 282 | 180 | 182.25 | ||||
0963-1798 | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 806 | 728 | 927 | 804 | 760 | 765.33333333333 | ||
0272-6963 | Journal of Operations Management | OR,MS,POM | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 934 | 1030 | 964.375 |
0022-3239 | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 693 | 282 | 478 | 505 | ||||
0894-3796 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 962 | 892.16666666667 | ||
0160-8061 | Journal of Organizational Behavior Management | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 52 | 279.4 | |||
0953-4814 | Journal of Organizational Change Management | Gen & Strat | 190 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 157 | 371.66666666667 | ||
1091-9392 | Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | MIS, KM | 567 | 77 | 282 | 236 | 290.5 | ||||
0885-3134 | Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 514 | 404 | |||
0276-8739 | Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | PSM | 567 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 786 | 731.2 | |||
0161-8938 | Journal of Policy Modeling | PSM | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 324 | 366 | |||
0022-3808 | Journal of Political Economy | Economics | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1016 | 1050 | 1050 | 1017.1666666667 | ||
0095-4918 | Journal of Portfolio Management | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 308 | 521.16666666667 | ||
1061-0421 | Journal of Product and Brand Management | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 450 | 341.8 | |||
0737-6782 | Journal of Product Innovation Management | Innovation | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 886 | 907.33333333333 | ||
0895-562X | Journal of Productivity Analysis | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 366 | 417.6 | |||
2051-8803 | Journal of Professions and Organization | OS/OB | 567 | 324 | 804 | 302 | 499.25 | ||||
1053-1858 | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory | PSM | 567 | 973 | 927 | 804 | 952 | 844.6 | |||
0047-2727 | Journal of Public Economics | Economics | 939 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 996 | 881 | |||
0743-9156 | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 538 | 689.33333333333 | ||
1478-4092 | Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 915 | 693 | 282 | 811 | 636.16666666667 | ||
0022-4065 | Journal of Quality Technology | MIS, KM | 567 | 806 | 804 | 562 | 684.75 | ||||
0895-5638 | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 391 | 535 | ||
1533-2667 | Journal of Relationship Marketing | Marketing | 190 | 77 | 282 | 206 | 188.75 | ||||
0022-4359 | Journal of Retailing | Marketing | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 860 | 875.16666666667 | ||
0969-6989 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 824 | 545.66666666667 | ||
0022-4367 | Journal of Risk and Insurance | F&A | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 265 | 643.83333333333 | ||
0895-5646 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | Economics | 939 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 602 | 762 | ||
1094-6136 | Journal of Scheduling | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 380 | 558.66666666667 | ||
1757-5818 | Journal of Service Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 904 | 525.2 | |||
1094-6705 | Journal of Service Research | Marketing | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 966 | 892.83333333333 | ||
2055-6225 | Journal of Service Theory and Practice | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 492 | 350.2 | |||
0887-6045 | Journal of Services Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 669 | 478.2 | |||
1462-6004 | Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development | Entrep | 42 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 295 | 255.2 | |||
0047-2778 | Journal of Small Business Management | Entrep | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 606 | 700.66666666667 | ||
0047-2794 | Journal of Social Policy | PSM | 567 | 693 | 804 | 524 | 647 | ||||
0888-4773 | Journal of Sport Management | Gen & Strat | 567 | 324 | 282 | 574 | 436.75 | ||||
0963-8687 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | MIS, KM | 939 | 806 | 728 | 927 | 804 | 968 | 862 | ||
0965-254X | Journal of Strategic Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 330 | 367.2 | |||
1523-2409 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 916 | 822.5 | ||
0164-1212 | Journal of Systems and Software | MIS, KM | 190 | 324 | 282 | 618 | 353.5 | ||||
0092-0703 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Marketing | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 976 | 961 | |
1532-2882 | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | MIS, KM | 939 | 693 | 804 | 358 | 698.5 | ||||
1536-9323 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | MIS, KM | 939 | 806 | 1016 | 804 | 822 | 877.4 | |||
0160-5682 | Journal of the Operational Research Society | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 382 | 663.33333333333 | ||
0964-1998 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 693 | 282 | 536 | 519.5 | ||||
1369-7412 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodo | OR,MS,POM | 939 | 806 | 927 | 804 | 869 | ||||
0035-9254 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 693 | 804 | 442 | 626.5 | ||||
0966-6923 | Journal of Transport Geography | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 749 | 634.4 | |||
0001-8791 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 282 | 892 | 793.5 | ||
1090-9516 | Journal of World Business | IB | 939 | 973 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 882 | 906.66666666667 | ||
1092-4604 | Knowledge and Process Management | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 77 | 282 | 96 | 161.25 | ||||
0023-5962 | Kyklos | Economics | 567 | 806 | 693 | 282 | 456 | 560.8 | |||
0023-656X | Labor History | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 333 | 324 | 804 | 46 | 414.8 | |||
0160-449X | Labor Studies Journal | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 324 | 282 | 50 | 211.5 | ||||
0927-5371 | Labour Economics | Economics | 567 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 542 | 682.4 | |||
0023-6942 | Labour History | Gen & Strat | 567 | 333 | 282 | 18 | 300 | ||||
1742-7150 | Leadership | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 510 | 327.8 | |||
0143-7739 | Leadership and Organization Development Journal | Gen & Strat | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 407 | 257.8 | |||
1048-9843 | Leadership Quarterly | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 988 | 896.5 | ||
0269-0942 | Local Economy | PSM | 42 | 324 | 282 | 113 | 190.25 | ||||
0300-3930 | Local Government Studies | PSM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 407 | 530.2 | |||
0024-6301 | Long Range Planning | Gen & Strat | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 928 | 785.5 | ||
1286-4692 | M@n@gement | Gen & Strat | 190 | 806 | 77 | 282 | 338.75 | ||||
1044-5005 | Management Accounting Research | F&A | 939 | 973 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 483 | 801.16666666667 | ||
1740-8776 | Management and Organization Review | Gen & Strat | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 439 | 543 | ||
0893-3189 | Management Communication Quarterly | Gen & Strat | 190 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 439 | 469.66666666667 | ||
0025-1747 | Management Decision | Gen & Strat | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 520 | 329.8 | |||
0938-8249 | Management International Review | IB | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 568 | 564.5 | ||
1350-5076 | Management Learning | Gen & Strat | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 640 | 663.5 | ||
0025-1909 | Management Science | OR,MS,POM | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 998 | 1030 | 981 |
0143-6570 | Managerial and Decision Economics | Economics | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 66 | 282.2 | |||
0268-6902 | Managerial Auditing Journal | F&A | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 120 | 325.2 | |||
0307-4358 | Managerial Finance | F&A | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 54 | 187.2 | |||
1523-4614 | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | OR,MS,POM | 1006 | 939 | 806 | 1013 | 693 | 804 | 1026 | 1030 | 914.625 |
0263-4503 | Marketing Intelligence and Planning | Marketing | 567 | 77 | 282 | 418 | 336 | ||||
0923-0645 | Marketing Letters | Marketing | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 554 | 723.16666666667 | ||
0732-2399 | Marketing Science | Marketing | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1016 | 1030 | 974.625 |
1470-5931 | Marketing Theory | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 693 | 804 | 704 | 663.4 | |||
0960-1627 | Mathematical Finance | F&A | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 614 | 702 | ||
1432-2994 | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research | OR,MS,POM | 549 | 77 | 804 | 192 | 405.5 | ||||
0364-765X | Mathematics of Operations Research | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 740 | 755.4 | |||
0887-378X | Milbank Quarterly | PSM | 190 | 806 | 693 | 282 | 756 | 545.4 | |||
1540-1960 | MIS Quarterly Executive | MIS, KM | 567 | 598 | 324 | 804 | 774 | 613.4 | |||
0276-7783 | MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems | MIS, KM | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 978 | 1030 | 978.5 |
1532-9194 | MIT Sloan Management Review | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 567 | 598 | 693 | 804 | 245 | 652.16666666667 | ||
1525-383X | Multinational Business Review | IB | 190 | 549 | 598 | 324 | 316 | 395.4 | |||
0028-0283 | National Tax Journal | Economics | 567 | 806 | 324 | 282 | 428 | 481.4 | |||
0894-069X | Naval Research Logistics | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 378 | 470 | ||
0748-4526 | Negotiation Journal | Gen & Strat | 190 | 324 | 282 | 24 | 205 | ||||
0268-1072 | New Technology, Work and Employment | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 778 | 609.6 | |||
0899-7640 | Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly | PSM | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 604 | 570.5 | ||
1092-0277 | North American Actuarial Journal | F&A | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 204 | 342 | |||
0305-0483 | OMEGA | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 884 | 778.16666666667 | ||
0030-364X | Operations Research | OR,MS,POM | 1006 | 567 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 942 | 1030 | 918.875 |
0167-6377 | Operations Research Letters | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 287 | 586 | ||
0171-6468 | OR Spectrum | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 360 | 467 | ||
1350-5084 | Organization | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 973 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 728 | 748.83333333333 | ||
1086-0266 | Organization and Environment | Gen & Strat | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 674 | 712 | ||
1047-7039 | Organization Science | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1018 | 1030 | 974.875 |
0170-8406 | Organization Studies | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 958 | 945.71428571429 | |
0749-5978 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 900 | 937.42857142857 | |
0090-2616 | Organizational Dynamics | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 152 | 538 | ||
2041-3866 | Organizational Psychology Review | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 324 | 282 | 780 | 488.25 | ||||
1094-4281 | Organizational Research Methods | Gen & Strat | 939 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 1002 | 898.83333333333 | ||
0927-538X | Pacific Basin Finance Journal | F&A | 567 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 338 | 428.66666666667 | ||
0031-5826 | Personnel Psychology | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 939 | 973 | 915 | 1016 | 804 | 994 | 940.16666666667 | ||
0048-3486 | Personnel Review | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 396 | 474.33333333333 | ||
0305-5736 | Policy and Politics | PSM | 567 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 578 | 689.6 | |||
0032-2687 | Policy Sciences | PSM | 190 | 77 | 804 | 694 | 441.25 | ||||
0144-2872 | Policy Studies | Gen & Strat | 190 | 324 | 282 | 134 | 232.5 | ||||
0032-3292 | Politics and Society | PSM | 190 | 693 | 804 | 422 | 527.25 | ||||
1059-1478 | Production and Operations Management | OR,MS,POM | 1006 | 939 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 930 | 1030 | 949.85714285714 | |
0953-7287 | Production Planning and Control | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 694 | 712.8 | |||
8756-9728 | Project Management Journal | Gen & Strat | 190 | 549 | 77 | 804 | 516 | 427.2 | |||
0742-6046 | Psychology and Marketing | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 546 | 647.83333333333 | ||
0361-6843 | Psychology of Women Quarterly | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 693 | 282 | 560 | 525.5 | ||||
0033-3298 | Public Administration | PSM | 567 | 549 | 728 | 927 | 804 | 676 | 708.5 | ||
0271-2075 | Public Administration and Development | PSM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 290 | 402.4 | |||
0033-3352 | Public Administration Review | PSM | 567 | 973 | 728 | 1016 | 804 | 890 | 829.66666666667 | ||
0048-5829 | Public Choice | PSM | 567 | 973 | 693 | 804 | 355 | 678.4 | |||
1471-9037 | Public Management Review | PSM | 567 | 806 | 927 | 804 | 764 | 773.6 | |||
0954-0962 | Public Money and Management | PSM | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 239 | 316.8 | |||
0033-362X | Public Opinion Quarterly | Marketing | 567 | 693 | 804 | 844 | 727 | ||||
1352-2752 | Qualitative Market Research | Marketing | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 182 | 262.2 | |||
1176-6093 | Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management | F&A | 567 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 142 | 329.6 | |||
1068-6967 | Quality Management Journal | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 333 | 282 | 116 | 230.25 | ||||
1469-7688 | Quantitative Finance | F&A | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 368 | 531.16666666667 | ||
1570-7156 | Quantitative Marketing and Economics | Marketing | 567 | 549 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 908 | 739.33333333333 | ||
1062-9769 | Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance | Economics | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 270 | 323 | |||
0033-6807 | R and D Management | Innovation | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 616 | 659.5 | ||
0741-6261 | RAND Journal of Economics | Economics | 939 | 973 | 927 | 804 | 918 | 912.2 | |||
0034-3404 | Regional Studies | PSM | 939 | 806 | 927 | 804 | 626 | 820.4 | |||
0951-8320 | Reliability Engineering and System Safety | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 693 | 282 | 744 | 571.5 | ||||
0275-5319 | Research in International Business and Finance | F&A | 42 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 476 | 291.4 | |||
0191-3085 | Research in Organizational Behavior | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 806 | 693 | 282 | 960 | 661.6 | |||
0733-558X | Research in the Sociology of Organizations | Sociology | 567 | 549 | 693 | 282 | 126 | 443.4 | |||
0048-7333 | Research Policy | Economics | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 938 | 955.57142857143 | |
0895-6308 | Research Technology Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 400 | 460.2 | |||
1380-6653 | Review of Accounting Studies | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 806 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 964 | 922.71428571429 | |
2045-9920 | Review of Asset Pricing Studies | F&A | 939 | 855 | 693 | 804 | 990 | 856.2 | |||
2046-9128 | Review of Corporate Finance Studies | F&A | 939 | 855 | 693 | 804 | 1022 | 862.6 | |||
1380-6645 | Review of Derivatives Research | F&A | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 42 | 234.2 | |||
1572-3097 | Review of Finance | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 927 | 804 | 950 | 944.57142857143 | |
1058-3300 | Review of Financial Economics | F&A | 190 | 333 | 77 | 282 | 132 | 202.8 | |||
0924-865X | Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting | F&A | 190 | 333 | 693 | 282 | 230 | 345.6 | |||
0905-0167 | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | MIS, KM | 567 | 324 | 804 | 26 | 430.25 | ||||
0956-5221 | Scandinavian Journal of Management | Gen & Strat | 190 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 436 | 505.16666666667 | ||
0302-3427 | Science and Public Policy | Innovation | 42 | 324 | 804 | 282 | 363 | ||||
0162-2439 | Science Technology and Human Values | Innovation | 567 | 324 | 804 | 544 | 559.75 | ||||
0138-9130 | Scientometrics | Innovation | 567 | 324 | 804 | 420 | 528.75 | ||||
0264-2069 | Service Industries Journal | OR,MS,POM | 190 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 736 | 452 | |||
1533-2969 | Services Marketing Quarterly | Marketing | 190 | 77 | 282 | 58 | 151.75 | ||||
0921-898X | Small Business Economics | Entrep | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 872 | 776.16666666667 | ||
1046-4964 | Small Group Research | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 324 | 282 | 404 | 394.25 | ||||
0144-5596 | Social Policy and Administration | PSM | 567 | 324 | 804 | 415 | 527.5 | ||||
1475-1461 | Socio-Economic Review | Economics | 42 | 549 | 693 | 804 | 591 | 535.8 | |||
1441-3523 | Sport Management Review | Gen & Strat | 567 | 324 | 282 | 660 | 458.25 | ||||
1932-4391 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 567 | 806 | 915 | 927 | 804 | 986 | 858.71428571429 | |
0143-2095 | Strategic Management Journal | Gen & Strat | 1006 | 939 | 1042 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1034 | 1030 | 985.5 |
1476-1270 | Strategic Organization | Gen & Strat | 567 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 880 | 777.5 | ||
2333-2050 | Strategy Science | Gen & Strat | 567 | 549 | 282 | 992 | 597.5 | ||||
1532-3005 | Stress and Health | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 324 | 282 | 464 | 409.25 | ||||
1359-8546 | Supply Chain Management | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 840 | 696.83333333333 | ||
0040-1625 | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | Innovation | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 282 | 832 | 651.33333333333 | ||
0953-7325 | Technology Analysis and Strategic Management | Gen & Strat | 190 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 295 | 394.66666666667 | ||
0166-4972 | Technovation | Innovation | 567 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 790 | 731.33333333333 | ||
0308-5961 | Telecommunications Policy | MIS, KM | 333 | 77 | 282 | 548 | 310 | ||||
0001-4826 | The Accounting Review | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 984 | 1030 | 970.625 |
0021-8863 | The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | Psychology | 190 | 549 | 324 | 282 | 336.25 | ||||
0893-9454 | The Review of Financial Studies | F&A | 1006 | 939 | 973 | 1013 | 1016 | 804 | 1040 | 1030 | 977.625 |
0040-5833 | Theory and Decision | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 324 | 282 | 148 | 425.4 | |||
0263-2764 | Theory, Culture and Society | Gen & Strat | 567 | 693 | 804 | 522 | 646.5 | ||||
1096-4762 | Thunderbird International Business Review | IB | 190 | 333 | 324 | 282 | 228 | 271.4 | |||
1478-3363 | Total Quality Management and Business Excellence | OR,MS,POM | 42 | 333 | 728 | 324 | 282 | 306 | 335.83333333333 | ||
0967-070X | Transport Policy | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 324 | 804 | 712 | 591.2 | |||
0144-1647 | Transport Reviews | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 922 | 649 | ||
0049-4488 | Transportation | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 728 | 324 | 804 | 722 | 629 | |||
0965-8564 | Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice | OR,MS,POM | 939 | 806 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 816 | 797.66666666667 | ||
1361-9209 | Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 549 | 728 | 693 | 804 | 766 | 684.5 | ||
1366-5545 | Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Rev | OR,MS,POM | 939 | 806 | 915 | 693 | 804 | 831.4 | |||
0041-1655 | Transportation Science | OR,MS,POM | 567 | 806 | 1013 | 693 | 804 | 896 | 796.5 | ||
0042-0980 | Urban Studies | PSM | 939 | 806 | 693 | 804 | 758 | 800 | |||
0957-8765 | VOLUNTAS | PSM | 190 | 324 | 282 | 348 | 286 | ||||
0730-8884 | Work and Occupations | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 693 | 804 | 830 | 688.6 | |||
0267-8373 | Work and Stress | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 927 | 804 | 850 | 739.4 | |||
0950-0170 | Work, Employment and Society | OS/OB,HRM/IR | 567 | 549 | 728 | 927 | 804 | 848 | 737.16666666667 |
In the final step, the list was truncated after rank 350, as only the leading business administration journals were to be identified. These 350 journals were divided into categories. The scope of the categories was based on JOURQUAL 3.0 and, like the methodology as a whole, had been determined prior to the analysis. The categories include:
- 25 journals in category A+,
- 75 journals in category A, and
- 250 journals in category B.
If two (or more) journals had had identical average values at the border between two categories, then all corresponding journals would have been assigned to the higher category. However, this case did not occur.
The resulting list is the final international meta-rating.
ISSN | Journal | Kategorie |
0001-4273 | Academy of Management Journal | Kategorie A+ |
0363-7425 | Academy of Management Review | Kategorie A+ |
0001-8392 | Administrative Science Quarterly | Kategorie A+ |
0002-8282 | American Economic Review | Kategorie A+ |
0012-9682 | Econometrica | Kategorie A+ |
1047-7047 | Information Systems Research | Kategorie A+ |
0165-4101 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | Kategorie A+ |
0021-8456 | Journal of Accounting Research | Kategorie A+ |
0021-9010 | Journal of Applied Psychology | Kategorie A+ |
0093-5301 | Journal of Consumer Research | Kategorie A+ |
0022-1082 | Journal of Finance | Kategorie A+ |
0304-405X | Journal of Financial Economics | Kategorie A+ |
0047-2506 | Journal of International Business Studies | Kategorie A+ |
0149-2063 | Journal of Management | Kategorie A+ |
0022-2429 | Journal of Marketing | Kategorie A+ |
0022-2437 | Journal of Marketing Research | Kategorie A+ |
0272-6963 | Journal of Operations Management | Kategorie A+ |
0022-3808 | Journal of Political Economy | Kategorie A+ |
0025-1909 | Management Science | Kategorie A+ |
0732-2399 | Marketing Science | Kategorie A+ |
0276-7783 | MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems | Kategorie A+ |
1047-7039 | Organization Science | Kategorie A+ |
0143-2095 | Strategic Management Journal | Kategorie A+ |
0001-4826 | The Accounting Review | Kategorie A+ |
0893-9454 | The Review of Financial Studies | Kategorie A+ |
1941-6520 | Academy of Management Annals | Kategorie A |
1537-260X | Academy of Management Learning and Education | Kategorie A |
1558-9080 | Academy of Management Perspectives | Kategorie A |
0361-3682 | Accounting, Organizations and Society | Kategorie A |
0090-5364 | Annals of Statistics | Kategorie A |
0278-0380 | Auditing | Kategorie A |
0006-3444 | Biometrika | Kategorie A |
0007-1080 | British Journal of Industrial Relations | Kategorie A |
0823-9150 | Contemporary Accounting Research | Kategorie A |
0011-7315 | Decision Sciences | Kategorie A |
0167-9236 | Decision Support Systems | Kategorie A |
0140-9883 | Energy Economics | Kategorie A |
1042-2587 | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | Kategorie A |
0960-085X | European Journal of Information Systems | Kategorie A |
0377-2217 | European Journal of Operational Research | Kategorie A |
1386-4157 | Experimental Economics | Kategorie A |
0018-7267 | Human Relations | Kategorie A |
0090-4848 | Human Resource Management | Kategorie A |
0019-7939 | ILR Review | Kategorie A |
0019-8501 | Industrial Marketing Management | Kategorie A |
0019-8676 | Industrial Relations | Kategorie A |
0378-7206 | Information and Management | Kategorie A |
1471-7727 | Information and Organization | Kategorie A |
1350-1917 | Information Systems Journal | Kategorie A |
0144-3577 | International Journal of Operations and Production Management | Kategorie A |
0167-8116 | International Journal of Research in Marketing | Kategorie A |
0378-4266 | Journal of Banking and Finance | Kategorie A |
0167-4544 | Journal of Business Ethics | Kategorie A |
0883-9026 | Journal of Business Venturing | Kategorie A |
0022-0027 | Journal of Conflict Resolution | Kategorie A |
1057-7408 | Journal of Consumer Psychology | Kategorie A |
0929-1199 | Journal of Corporate Finance | Kategorie A |
0095-0696 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Kategorie A |
0022-1090 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Kategorie A |
1042-9573 | Journal of Financial Intermediation | Kategorie A |
1386-4181 | Journal of Financial Markets | Kategorie A |
0167-6296 | Journal of Health Economics | Kategorie A |
0022-166X | Journal of Human Resources | Kategorie A |
0268-3962 | Journal of Information Technology | Kategorie A |
0734-306X | Journal of Labor Economics | Kategorie A |
0742-1222 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Kategorie A |
0022-2380 | Journal of Management Studies | Kategorie A |
0894-3796 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | Kategorie A |
0737-6782 | Journal of Product Innovation Management | Kategorie A |
1053-1858 | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory | Kategorie A |
0047-2727 | Journal of Public Economics | Kategorie A |
0022-4359 | Journal of Retailing | Kategorie A |
1094-6705 | Journal of Service Research | Kategorie A |
0963-8687 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Kategorie A |
1523-2409 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | Kategorie A |
0092-0703 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Kategorie A |
1536-9323 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Kategorie A |
1369-7412 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodo | Kategorie A |
1090-9516 | Journal of World Business | Kategorie A |
1048-9843 | Leadership Quarterly | Kategorie A |
1044-5005 | Management Accounting Research | Kategorie A |
1523-4614 | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | Kategorie A |
0030-364X | Operations Research | Kategorie A |
0170-8406 | Organization Studies | Kategorie A |
0749-5978 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | Kategorie A |
1094-4281 | Organizational Research Methods | Kategorie A |
0031-5826 | Personnel Psychology | Kategorie A |
1059-1478 | Production and Operations Management | Kategorie A |
0033-3352 | Public Administration Review | Kategorie A |
0741-6261 | RAND Journal of Economics | Kategorie A |
0034-3404 | Regional Studies | Kategorie A |
0048-7333 | Research Policy | Kategorie A |
1380-6653 | Review of Accounting Studies | Kategorie A |
2045-9920 | Review of Asset Pricing Studies | Kategorie A |
2046-9128 | Review of Corporate Finance Studies | Kategorie A |
1572-3097 | Review of Finance | Kategorie A |
1932-4391 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | Kategorie A |
0965-8564 | Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice | Kategorie A |
1366-5545 | Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Rev | Kategorie A |
0042-0980 | Urban Studies | Kategorie A |
0001-3072 | Abacus | Kategorie B |
0001-4788 | Accounting and Business Research | Kategorie B |
0810-5391 | Accounting and Finance | Kategorie B |
0888-7993 | Accounting Horizons | Kategorie B |
0951-3574 | Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal | Kategorie B |
1073-0516 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | Kategorie B |
1046-8188 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | Kategorie B |
0095-3997 | Administration and Society | Kategorie B |
0275-0740 | American Review of Public Administration | Kategorie B |
0254-5330 | Annals of Operations Research | Kategorie B |
0269-994X | Applied Psychology | Kategorie B |
0217-4561 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | Kategorie B |
0515-0361 | Astin Bulletin | Kategorie B |
1050-4753 | Behavioral Research in Accounting | Kategorie B |
0144-929X | Behaviour and Information Technology | Kategorie B |
0890-8389 | British Accounting Review | Kategorie B |
1045-3172 | British Journal of Management | Kategorie B |
0007-6503 | Business and Society | Kategorie B |
1052-150X | Business Ethics Quarterly | Kategorie B |
0964-4733 | Business Strategy and the Environment | Kategorie B |
0008-1256 | California Management Review | Kategorie B |
0001-0782 | Communications of the ACM | Kategorie B |
1529-3181 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Kategorie B |
0360-8352 | Computers and Industrial Engineering | Kategorie B |
0305-0548 | Computers and Operations Research | Kategorie B |
0747-5632 | Computers in Human Behavior | Kategorie B |
0964-8410 | Corporate Governance: An International Review | Kategorie B |
0963-1690 | Creativity and Innovation Management | Kategorie B |
2164-5744 | Critical Finance Review | Kategorie B |
1045-2354 | Critical Perspectives on Accounting | Kategorie B |
0921-8009 | Ecological Economics | Kategorie B |
0165-1765 | Economics Letters | Kategorie B |
1567-4223 | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | Kategorie B |
1019-6781 | Electronic Markets | Kategorie B |
1566-0141 | Emerging Markets Review | Kategorie B |
0301-4215 | Energy Policy | Kategorie B |
0898-5626 | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | Kategorie B |
0308-518X | Environment and Planning A | Kategorie B |
0263-7758 | Environment and Planning D: Society and Space | Kategorie B |
0963-8180 | European Accounting Review | Kategorie B |
0955-534X | European Business Review | Kategorie B |
1354-7798 | European Financial Management | Kategorie B |
1351-847X | European Journal of Finance | Kategorie B |
1618-7598 | European Journal of Health Economics | Kategorie B |
0959-6801 | European Journal of Industrial Relations | Kategorie B |
0309-0566 | European Journal of Marketing | Kategorie B |
1359-432X | European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology | Kategorie B |
0263-2373 | European Management Journal | Kategorie B |
1740-4754 | European Management Review | Kategorie B |
1356-3890 | Evaluation | Kategorie B |
0957-4174 | Expert Systems with Applications | Kategorie B |
0894-4865 | Family Business Review | Kategorie B |
0949-2984 | Finance and Stochastics | Kategorie B |
1544-6123 | Finance Research Letters | Kategorie B |
0267-4424 | Financial Accountability and Management | Kategorie B |
0015-198X | Financial Analysts Journal | Kategorie B |
0046-3892 | Financial Management | Kategorie B |
0732-8516 | Financial Review | Kategorie B |
0891-2432 | Gender and Society | Kategorie B |
0968-6673 | Gender, Work and Organization | Kategorie B |
2042-5791 | Global Strategy Journal | Kategorie B |
0952-1895 | Governance | Kategorie B |
1059-6011 | Group and Organization Management | Kategorie B |
0926-2644 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Kategorie B |
0017-8012 | Harvard Business Review | Kategorie B |
1057-9230 | Health Economics (United Kingdom) | Kategorie B |
0168-8510 | Health Policy | Kategorie B |
0895-9285 | Human Performance | Kategorie B |
0954-5395 | Human Resource Management Journal | Kategorie B |
1053-4822 | Human Resource Management Review | Kategorie B |
0737-0024 | Human-Computer Interaction | Kategorie B |
0018-9391 | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | Kategorie B |
1524-9050 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | Kategorie B |
0740-817X | IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) | Kategorie B |
0960-6491 | Industrial and Corporate Change | Kategorie B |
0263-5577 | Industrial Management and Data Systems | Kategorie B |
0019-8692 | Industrial Relations Journal | Kategorie B |
1366-2716 | Industry and Innovation | Kategorie B |
0306-4573 | Information Processing and Management | Kategorie B |
0197-2243 | Information Society | Kategorie B |
1387-3326 | Information Systems Frontiers | Kategorie B |
0959-3845 | Information Technology and People | Kategorie B |
0167-6687 | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics | Kategorie B |
0969-5931 | International Business Review | Kategorie B |
0020-7063 | International Journal of Accounting | Kategorie B |
1467-0895 | International Journal of Accounting Information Systems | Kategorie B |
0265-0487 | International Journal of Advertising | Kategorie B |
1086-4415 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | Kategorie B |
0169-2070 | International Journal of Forecasting | Kategorie B |
1071-5819 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | Kategorie B |
0958-5192 | International Journal of Human Resource Management | Kategorie B |
0167-7187 | International Journal of Industrial Organization | Kategorie B |
0268-4012 | International Journal of Information Management | Kategorie B |
0957-4093 | International Journal of Logistics Management | Kategorie B |
1460-8545 | International Journal of Management Reviews | Kategorie B |
0960-0035 | International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Manage | Kategorie B |
0925-5273 | International Journal of Production Economics | Kategorie B |
0020-7543 | International Journal of Production Research | Kategorie B |
0263-7863 | International Journal of Project Management | Kategorie B |
0954-2892 | International Journal of Public Opinion Research | Kategorie B |
0959-0552 | International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management | Kategorie B |
0965-075X | International Journal of Selection and Assessment | Kategorie B |
0265-1335 | International Marketing Review | Kategorie B |
1057-5219 | International Review of Financial Analysis | Kategorie B |
0144-8188 | International Review of Law and Economics | Kategorie B |
0266-2426 | International Small Business Journal | Kategorie B |
1066-2243 | Internet Research | Kategorie B |
0278-4254 | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | Kategorie B |
0737-4607 | Journal of Accounting Literature | Kategorie B |
0148-558X | Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance | Kategorie B |
0091-3367 | Journal of Advertising | Kategorie B |
0021-8499 | Journal of Advertising Research | Kategorie B |
0894-3257 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | Kategorie B |
1350-231X | Journal of Brand Management | Kategorie B |
0889-3268 | Journal of Business and Psychology | Kategorie B |
0306-686X | Journal of Business Finance and Accounting | Kategorie B |
0735-3766 | Journal of Business Logistics | Kategorie B |
0148-2963 | Journal of Business Research | Kategorie B |
2352-6734 | Journal of Business Venturing Insights | Kategorie B |
1051-712X | Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing | Kategorie B |
0022-0078 | Journal of Consumer Affairs | Kategorie B |
1074-1240 | Journal of Derivatives | Kategorie B |
0167-2681 | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | Kategorie B |
0165-1889 | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | Kategorie B |
0167-4870 | Journal of Economic Psychology | Kategorie B |
1058-6407 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy | Kategorie B |
0927-5398 | Journal of Empirical Finance | Kategorie B |
0923-4748 | Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M | Kategorie B |
0301-4797 | Journal of Environmental Management | Kategorie B |
1350-1763 | Journal of European Public Policy | Kategorie B |
1479-8409 | Journal of Financial Econometrics | Kategorie B |
0270-2592 | Journal of Financial Research | Kategorie B |
0920-8550 | Journal of Financial Services Research | Kategorie B |
1572-3089 | Journal of Financial Stability | Kategorie B |
1059-8596 | Journal of Fixed Income | Kategorie B |
0270-7314 | Journal of Futures Markets | Kategorie B |
0022-1821 | Journal of Industrial Economics | Kategorie B |
0022-1856 | Journal of Industrial Relations | Kategorie B |
1094-9968 | Journal of Interactive Marketing | Kategorie B |
1542-6297 | Journal of International Accounting Research | Kategorie B |
1042-4431 | Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money | Kategorie B |
1075-4253 | Journal of International Management | Kategorie B |
1069-031X | Journal of International Marketing | Kategorie B |
0261-5606 | Journal of International Money and Finance | Kategorie B |
1367-3270 | Journal of Knowledge Management | Kategorie B |
0022-2186 | Journal of Law and Economics | Kategorie B |
8756-6222 | Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization | Kategorie B |
0276-1467 | Journal of Macromarketing | Kategorie B |
1049-2127 | Journal of Management Accounting Research | Kategorie B |
1056-4926 | Journal of Management Inquiry | Kategorie B |
0278-6125 | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | Kategorie B |
0267-257X | Journal of Marketing Management | Kategorie B |
0022-2879 | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | Kategorie B |
0047-259X | Journal of Multivariate Analysis | Kategorie B |
0963-1798 | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | Kategorie B |
0022-3239 | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | Kategorie B |
0276-8739 | Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | Kategorie B |
0095-4918 | Journal of Portfolio Management | Kategorie B |
0895-562X | Journal of Productivity Analysis | Kategorie B |
2051-8803 | Journal of Professions and Organization | Kategorie B |
0743-9156 | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | Kategorie B |
1478-4092 | Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management | Kategorie B |
0022-4065 | Journal of Quality Technology | Kategorie B |
0895-5638 | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | Kategorie B |
0969-6989 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | Kategorie B |
0022-4367 | Journal of Risk and Insurance | Kategorie B |
0895-5646 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | Kategorie B |
1094-6136 | Journal of Scheduling | Kategorie B |
1757-5818 | Journal of Service Management | Kategorie B |
0887-6045 | Journal of Services Marketing | Kategorie B |
0047-2778 | Journal of Small Business Management | Kategorie B |
0047-2794 | Journal of Social Policy | Kategorie B |
0888-4773 | Journal of Sport Management | Kategorie B |
1532-2882 | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | Kategorie B |
0160-5682 | Journal of the Operational Research Society | Kategorie B |
0964-1998 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society | Kategorie B |
0035-9254 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics | Kategorie B |
0966-6923 | Journal of Transport Geography | Kategorie B |
0001-8791 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | Kategorie B |
0023-5962 | Kyklos | Kategorie B |
0023-656X | Labor History | Kategorie B |
0927-5371 | Labour Economics | Kategorie B |
0300-3930 | Local Government Studies | Kategorie B |
0024-6301 | Long Range Planning | Kategorie B |
1740-8776 | Management and Organization Review | Kategorie B |
0893-3189 | Management Communication Quarterly | Kategorie B |
0938-8249 | Management International Review | Kategorie B |
1350-5076 | Management Learning | Kategorie B |
0923-0645 | Marketing Letters | Kategorie B |
1470-5931 | Marketing Theory | Kategorie B |
0960-1627 | Mathematical Finance | Kategorie B |
0364-765X | Mathematics of Operations Research | Kategorie B |
0887-378X | Milbank Quarterly | Kategorie B |
1540-1960 | MIS Quarterly Executive | Kategorie B |
1532-9194 | MIT Sloan Management Review | Kategorie B |
0028-0283 | National Tax Journal | Kategorie B |
0894-069X | Naval Research Logistics | Kategorie B |
0268-1072 | New Technology, Work and Employment | Kategorie B |
0899-7640 | Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly | Kategorie B |
0305-0483 | OMEGA | Kategorie B |
0167-6377 | Operations Research Letters | Kategorie B |
0171-6468 | OR Spectrum | Kategorie B |
1350-5084 | Organization | Kategorie B |
1086-0266 | Organization and Environment | Kategorie B |
0090-2616 | Organizational Dynamics | Kategorie B |
2041-3866 | Organizational Psychology Review | Kategorie B |
0927-538X | Pacific Basin Finance Journal | Kategorie B |
0048-3486 | Personnel Review | Kategorie B |
0305-5736 | Policy and Politics | Kategorie B |
0032-2687 | Policy Sciences | Kategorie B |
0032-3292 | Politics and Society | Kategorie B |
0953-7287 | Production Planning and Control | Kategorie B |
8756-9728 | Project Management Journal | Kategorie B |
0742-6046 | Psychology and Marketing | Kategorie B |
0361-6843 | Psychology of Women Quarterly | Kategorie B |
0033-3298 | Public Administration | Kategorie B |
0048-5829 | Public Choice | Kategorie B |
1471-9037 | Public Management Review | Kategorie B |
0033-362X | Public Opinion Quarterly | Kategorie B |
1469-7688 | Quantitative Finance | Kategorie B |
1570-7156 | Quantitative Marketing and Economics | Kategorie B |
0033-6807 | R and D Management | Kategorie B |
0951-8320 | Reliability Engineering and System Safety | Kategorie B |
0191-3085 | Research in Organizational Behavior | Kategorie B |
0733-558X | Research in the Sociology of Organizations | Kategorie B |
0895-6308 | Research Technology Management | Kategorie B |
0905-0167 | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | Kategorie B |
0956-5221 | Scandinavian Journal of Management | Kategorie B |
0162-2439 | Science Technology and Human Values | Kategorie B |
0138-9130 | Scientometrics | Kategorie B |
0264-2069 | Service Industries Journal | Kategorie B |
0921-898X | Small Business Economics | Kategorie B |
0144-5596 | Social Policy and Administration | Kategorie B |
1475-1461 | Socio-Economic Review | Kategorie B |
1441-3523 | Sport Management Review | Kategorie B |
1476-1270 | Strategic Organization | Kategorie B |
2333-2050 | Strategy Science | Kategorie B |
1359-8546 | Supply Chain Management | Kategorie B |
0040-1625 | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | Kategorie B |
0166-4972 | Technovation | Kategorie B |
0040-5833 | Theory and Decision | Kategorie B |
0263-2764 | Theory, Culture and Society | Kategorie B |
0967-070X | Transport Policy | Kategorie B |
0144-1647 | Transport Reviews | Kategorie B |
0049-4488 | Transportation | Kategorie B |
1361-9209 | Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment | Kategorie B |
0041-1655 | Transportation Science | Kategorie B |
0730-8884 | Work and Occupations | Kategorie B |
0267-8373 | Work and Stress | Kategorie B |
0950-0170 | Work, Employment and Society | Kategorie B |